
5 Myths About CBD

Truth is stranger than fiction, here is a list of CBD myths rebuked.

1. CBD is a “Cure-All” Miracle
CBD has been used for alleviating physical or mental ailments and is not a cure for any disorder or illness. While users praise the benefits from CBD, there are no proven results as to curing any known illness in spite of user claims. Before implementing CBD into a wellness routine, consult your physician and select a high quality product.

2. CBD is Illegal
This statement is incorrect. In 2018, The Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived CBD. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate the use of CBD, nor do they provide recommendations for dosages. State and local laws may regulate CBD products and those products may not be legal for those living or traveling outside of the United States of America. Before ordering or using any CBD product, educate yourself regarding the laws in your jurisdiction.

3. CBD Products are All the Same
Growing, extracting, storing, and packaging differs between manufacturers. A manufacturers process can impact the concentration or quality of the product. Before purchasing, do your research and select a reputable company. By law, CBD companies are required to provide third-party lab test results for all of their products.

4. CBD is a Sedative
CBD has been used for relaxation, stress or anxiety relief, and improved sleep. Unlike THC which is proven to have sedative impacts, most CBD users cite increased focus or alertness. Carefully select a product which best suits your needs.

5. CBD is Psychoactive
A common misconception is CBD will get you “high”. Since CBD is derived from the marijuana plant, people assume the effects of the plant are all the same. THC is the psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant and products containing THC cause the effects of feeling “high”.