5 Ways to Improve Your Focus
Here are 5 ways that can definitely help improve focus and attention, personally we love adding CBD for an even bigger boost!
1. A Good Night’s Sleep
One of the best and easiest ways to improve your attention and focus is to get a good night's sleep! The average adults requires between 7-9 hours of sleep. Sleeping patterns vary from individual to individual and there is not a magic number that suits all.
2. Physical Activity
Time to get that body moving. Studies have shown that a acute bouts of physical activity have a positive impact upon concentration, remember recess while in elementary school. While dodge ball may not be the answer; a walk, jog, or calisthenics may be right for you.
3. Step Away From Electronics
Electronics play an integral role in almost everything we do in the modern world. They are also one of the biggest reasons why people find it harder to focus on tasks. Stepping away from your devices gives your mind the chance to reset and improve focus.
4. Grab a Smart Beverage
Sipping green tea, coffee, or mushroom coffee have health benefits based on recent research. In combination with adequate sleep, they mainly improve your cognitive performance by increasing alertness, concentration and focus.
5. Meditation and Breathwork
Research shows, meditation and breathwork have reduced anxiety, brain fog and stress while improving focus and concentration. A successful technique may be a 3-6-9 breath pattern. Breath in through the nostrils for a count of 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and exhale from the mouth for 3 seconds. Repeat the process for a minimum of 3 cycles.